Join us on an unforgettable journey into the world of whales and dolphins
This is not your typical whale watching expedition in Mauritius. With OceanVibration, you will be able to observe a variety of marine mammals in their natural habitat while enjoying a private and respectful outing in the Indian Ocean. Join us on an unforgettable journey into the world of whales and dolphins.
Why Choose Us for Whale Watching in Mauritius?
Our tours are conducted with the utmost respect for marine mammals, adhering to international guidelines to minimize disturbance. By choosing us, you’re contributing to real conservation efforts and learning about these majestic creatures in a meaningful way. We work in private groups, which provides a more personal experience guided by experts in the field.
What To Expect Whale Watching In Mauritius
We’ll navigate the waters of Mauritius from our base in Grand Bay, far away from the overwhelming crowds of the West Coast, seeking out whales and dolphins in their natural habitat. You’ll have the opportunity to observe their behaviors, learn about their life cycle, and understand the challenges they face.
We are an eco-conscious company, which means we do not get close to the animals, but we give you the best tools to observe them respectfully. Our approach most often leads to the intrigue of the gentle giants, making them come to have a peek at us.
You will be given information on the different marine mammal species in the area. Unlike other tours with fixed schedules, we take our time, allowing us to thoroughly explore the area and maximise your opportunities for marine mammal encounters.
The Diverse Marine Mammal Population of Mauritius
The waters surrounding Mauritius are home to a diverse array of marine mammal species, which are frequently observed throughout the year. These include several species of odontocetes (toothed whales), such as the acrobatic spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) and bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), commonly seen in coastal areas.
Further offshore, encounters with larger species, including the migratory humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), are common during the winter months (June-September), when they migrate through the region. Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are also frequently encountered, with females and calves being residents in the region throughout the year, while males are known to migrate through the waters. The short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) are also residents and are observed year-round.
Research in the region has also indicated the presence of various other species, including the elusive melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra), and the more elusive deep-diving species, the beaked whales.
Our Approach to Responsible Marine Mammal Observation
At OceanVibration, we believe that observing marine mammals in their natural habitat is a privilege that comes with great responsibility. Our approach is guided by international rules and standards, ensuring minimal disturbance to the animals and their environment.
We prioritize the well-being of marine mammals at all times and follow strict guidelines to protect them. We prioritize:
- Maintaining a safe distance from marine mammals at all times to avoid disrupting their natural behaviors;
- Never encircling or cutting off the path of the animals, respecting their freedom of movement;
- Limiting the time spent observing any given group of animals to minimize stress;
- Avoiding sudden or loud noises, or any action that could alarm the animals;
- Refraining from feeding or attempting to interact with marine mammals directly;
- Always approaching animals from a parallel angle, rather than head-on, to avoid disruption;
- Adjusting speed and direction to minimize disturbance, including during departures;
- Following all local regulations and guidelines set by relevant authorities.
Exclusive and Personalized Marine Encounters
We believe in providing a truly personalized and exclusive marine experience. Our tours are always private, and we limit the number of guests to a maximum of eight people per boat. This ensures that everyone receives individual attention, a more intimate setting, and the best opportunity to observe marine life without overcrowding.
Client Involvement
We will teach you how to take photos to contribute to our Marine Mammal Identification Database. Your contributions will help us better understand the local marine ecosystem and the marine mammals that are around Mauritius. This is a marine mammal tour like no other!
Who Is This Whale Watching in Mauritius Expedition For?
This experience is perfect for eco-conscious individuals, marine science enthusiasts, and those eager to learn more about marine mammals.